March 8, 2024

Quinn+Partners Releases 2023 Pay Equity Data

For the second year, we are pleased to share Quinn+Partners’ pay equity data in honour of International Women’s Day. We believe that when individuals feel valued, respected and included, they are empowered to unlock their full potential, boost productivity, and foster a sense of success and fulfillment. Women deserve workplaces that actively value, support, celebrate and treat them fairly—these conditions should not be seen as exceptional.

Despite the legal requirement in Canada to pay people equally for equal work, the pay gap persists. On average, women earn 10% less than their male counterparts1, and this gap widens as intersectional markers of diversity, like race and parenthood, are added.

At Quinn+Partners, we are dedicated to dismantling pay discrimination and strive to ensure equitable opportunities for all. As a female-founded company, we are proud that 60% of our Leadership Team members are women and that our powerhouse team is also stacked with bright, talented, ambitious women.

2023 Q+P Pay Equity Data (as at March 31, 2023)

Senior Analyst1.00: N/A
Senior Manager0.99:1.00
Leadership Team1.05:1.00

These figures highlight a strong commitment to pay equality, with minor variations attributed to the lack of normalization for tenure and mid-year promotions. Behind the numbers lies a company dedicated to continuous improvement, proud to do things differently and fortified by a network of allies across all company levels and genders, united by our mission.

Explore Pay Equity Statistics

We believe transparency and accountability are critical for driving change and necessary for accelerating progress in closing the gender pay gap. Explore the links below to global pay equity databases exposing gender pay gaps across industries and employers.

Our Call to Action

We want every woman who considers a career with Quinn+Partners to be assured of our commitment to equitable treatment and non-discrimination, and the data is there to prove it. We strongly urge every job-seeker to ask their potential employers to disclose their pay equity figures. We also challenge fellow employers to openly share their data, fostering transparency and eradicating gender inequality.

Happy International Women’s Day.

  1. ↩︎