July 10, 2017
The Quinn & Partners team has advanced knowledge and experience of the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards. This reporting framework is used by thousands of reporters in over 90 countries, making GRI the world’s most widely used standard on sustainability disclosure. We believe that alignment with GRI Standards indicates best-in-class sustainability reporting.
The foundation of GRI-reporting is a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process (also known as materiality assessment), which is used to determine what sustainability issues are most important for a particular organization.
We have supported clients with materiality assessments and compliance with GRI G4 Guidelines and the most recent GRI Standards.
Quinn & Partners team members have supported the Cadillac Fairview Corporation with its GRI reporting strategy since inception and collaborated on its Corporate Responsibility Reporting for multiple consecutive years. Its first GRI G4 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report was one of the most thorough and transparent reports published in Canada. In 2016, Cadillac Fairview came out among the first Canadian GRI Standards reporters.
Our team has provided sustainability reporting advisory services to Triovest Realty Advisors on its reporting process and report content since their inaugural report. This has enabled Triovest to develop one of the first GRI G4-aligned reports published in the Canadian real estate industry in 2015 and one of the first GRI Standards-aligned reports in 2017.
Triovest’s reports have been recognized as industry best practice. The Global Compact Network Canada recognized Triovest’s 2016 Sustainability Report as a 2017 Best Peer Reviewed Sustainability Report. Triovest’s stakeholder research was featured in BOMA Canada’s 2015 BOMA BEST National Green Building Report. The inaugural sustainability report was a runner up in the international Corporate Register 2017 CR Reporting Awards.
In 2017, Quinn & Partner team members supported Inter Pipeline with their inaugural Sustainability Report. The report makes GRI-referenced claims to help stakeholders compare the company’s performance with industry peers.